Holistic communication strategist with creative sensibility and leadership experience.

Child Abuse Prevention

As part of Child Abuse Prevention month held in April, we developed a campaign to shine a light on the cause and the tools offered by the Department of Family Affairs to manage it.

There are 10,000 cases of Child Abuse referred annually to the state. The focus of the campaign was Co-responsibility, the shared duty and responsibility citizens have for being part of the community. As they become involved, they strengthen their role in the community. We all have a role in the universe of children, as parents, caregivers, teachers, neighbors, grandparents siblings, uncles.

We presented the people that called to report cases of child abuse as heroes. The message of awareness and the invitation to be an active part to fight these situations were very powerful, we understood we needed a tool that would serve as a reminder beyond the campaign and keep the call to action in the top of mind of citizens. As a Batsignal of sorts, we developed the Community Sign - a sign very similar to those that communicate warning messages for children playing or that you are near a school zone - but with a strong and assertive message to report child abuse.

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